
This page contains resources, links to websites, articles, books and other information for you to keep informed about your health.

Organic Farms & Stores

Pfenning’s Organic Farm & Store

Organic produce, fairly local to Kitchener-Waterloo; they offer delivery of organic produce

Leapple Organic Farm

Available organic meats (beef, pork, chicken) and eggs

Websites & Information

Green Kids Doc

Some helpful evidence-based information on environmental health for children

Dr. Mercola’s Health Information Website

Natural News

Natural health information, with a touch of activism

Organic Consumers Association (Canada)

Online association for public interest of organic and non-GMO foods, protecting our legal rights, environmental sustainability and health

Food Democracy Now!

Fighting for the right to choose organic foods and for food labelling

Dr. Rapp’s Website

Dr. Rapp is a medical doctor, homeopath and allergist; has treated many children with ADD, ADHD, and hyperactivity through dietary changes and homeopathic remedies

Life Extension Foundation

Life Extension Foundation Buyers Club

Cancer Prevention Coalition

Resource for cancer information and things you can do to help prevent cancer

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Informative information on cerebral palsy, Bell’s palsy, birth injuries, and other nerve damage and compression syndromes.

Health Clinics & Centres

Institute of Natural Health Technologies

Origin of the BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination (BIE) technique

Eco Health Centre, Dr. Jozef Krop

Documentaries & Movies

Food, Inc.

Do you know what you’re eating?

Food Matters .TV

Great website with lots of information; recommend watching the film

Thrive Movement

Can mankind actually Thrive?

Books & Articles

Corrupt to the Core

Dr. Shiv Chopra; ISBN-13: 978-0973194579; Dr. Shiv Chopra protecting our food integrity; talks about the dangers of modern drugs and our conventional foods