Optimize your climbing experience with Registered Massage Therapy

Members receive 60 minute Massage Therapy treatment at a special rate of $92.92 + HST ($105.00)


Devin Dawson is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), an avid rock climber and fellow Grand River Rocks Member. He aims to assist you in improving your climbing and training by working with you to maintain full range of motion of joints, reducing muscle soreness and recovery time between sessions, and improving muscle function.

I can feel the impact climbing has on the body, and I wish to offer this reduced rate to make Massage Therapy more accessible to fellow Members, to train and climb as effectively as possible.

– Devin Dawson, RMT

To read more about Devin, or to check out the treatment room, please visit the About page.

Benefits of Massage for Climbers

  • Reduce muscle soreness and pain, particularly in the forearms, shoulders, hip flexors, and hamstrings
  • Reduce recovery time between training and climbing sessions
  • Improve function and restore strength of muscles and joints
  • Learn new self-care techniques, including stretching and muscle energy techniques
  • Assess and treat specific injuries, including:
    • shoulder and rotator cuff injuries
    • muscle/tendon strains and ligament injuries
    • overuse injuries, particularly forearm and finger flexor tendons
    • injuries resulting from falls, for example, sprained ankles