Cupping is an ancient Chinese medicine technique used to promote circulation and healing. In the Western world, in my practice, I use cupping with massage therapy to decrease scar tissue and fascial adhesions (typically felt as “tightness” or even muscle tension), as well as promote circulation and healing.
When you receive cupping massage, you feel a sense of “skin pulling” as the skin and fascia are pulled into the cup and the cup is moved across the body. You feel a sense of “warming” as the cup encourages more blood flow to the area.
Bruising is a possibility with cupping, however they generally are not painful. Of course, some individuals bruise easier than others, especially those that suffer from diabetes or blood disorders. In general, if we keep the cups moving and avoid leaving them in one spot for too long, the likelihood of bruising is minimized.
In Chinese medicine practice, it is believed that darker and more significant bruising results in increased therapeutic effects were on the body. However, this philosophy is not typically applied in our treatments.
This is one cupping set I use in my practice. Notice the various cup sizes and the hand pump. The cups have one-way air valves.
Cupping treatment is offered as part of a Massage Therapy treatment. To book a massage therapy appointment, visit the Massage Therapy Page or Patient Portal. Please let me know that you would like to include cupping as part of your treatment; I will advise you as to the best application of this technique.